Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut (Dr. David & Amia Nico) Profile Picture

Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut (Dr. David & Amia Nico)

Tampa, FL, USA
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Ignite Human Wholeness With Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut

Dr. David Nico "Dr. Healthnut™" is a renowned well-being strategist, keynote speaker, and highly regarded author committed to empowering individuals and organizations to achieve remarkable results. With nearly three decades of diverse expertise in the health industry, Dr. Nico is recognized as one of "America's Ultimate Experts" by Woman's World magazine. His expertise encompasses a wide range of areas, such as leadership, business, entrepreneurship, and growth. He is the driving force behind the mission of inspiring humanity to make healthier choices through his enterprises. Amia Nico "Mrs. Healthnut™" is a healthy lifestyle catalyst, speaker, lyricist, and accomplished soloist. As a Well-Being Advocate, Amia's passion is to see women be all that God created them to be in spirit, soul, and body. In addition to her vocal training, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in interdisciplinary studies in Education and Behavioral Sciences, specializing in Coaching and Motivational Interviewing.
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Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut (Dr. David & Amia Nico) Image #1
Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut (Dr. David & Amia Nico) Image #2
Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut (Dr. David & Amia Nico) Image #3
Dr. & Mrs. Healthnut (Dr. David & Amia Nico) Image #4
Thought Leader
Overcoming Challenges
Event Types
Corporate Event
Public Event
College Event
Private Party
World-class leadership begins with the Whole Leader. Promoting wholeness requires addressing multiple dimensions of well-being. Considering system-induced stress is a significant cost organizationally, leaders should consider a holistic approach to improving results. -Why wholeness is the new standard for individual, team, and organizational well-being. -How to improve resilience to reduce the effects of system induced stress. -How to lead a company culture with higher engagement and growth.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
In a very short time, the world has turned upside down. The threat of a global pandemic, death, market disruptions, unemployment, stress, fear, and chaos creates daily uncertainty. How do we lead? Learn the critical skills and resources for survival now and in the future. How to build optimal well-being to protect against the most lethal cultural threats. Nutrients and lifestyle practices to thrive. How to protect yourself and your organization from falling prey to a health disaster.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
How do you anticipate future challenges not only to survive but thrive? Although companies recognize stress as a top workforce health risk, lifestyle factors such as diet impact the progression of the stress continuum. Learn the protective power of foods against chronic diseases that reduce health, energy, and vitality. How certain foods will make you stronger, wiser, and more resilient. The right nutrients can help you become more productive, sleep better, and live longer.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
How do you fuel your meetings and make them more dynamic? Incorporating healthier food and beverage options will energize sessions, yield productive results, and create positive feedback. Discover cutting-edge food science that will help you select the right foods to impact attendee stamina, concentration, and learning. What your participants consume will make or break the effectiveness of your events. Learn to navigate the best vs worst ingredients, discern truths vs myths, and impact profits.
Event Types: In-Person, Hybrid
How do you boost talent, company success, and growth by leading and implementing a corporate "health" culture? The connection between healthy habits and happiness is increasing exponentially. Organizations desire to improve performance, productivity, and profitability. A positive culture with aligned practices benefits all stakeholders. How to eliminate harmful stress.Top practices to energize workers. How to design a unique culture of health blueprint.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
Studies report the positive effects of music. Researchers show that music releases the pleasure molecule in our brains called dopamine, which explains the happiness humans experience when listening to music. Music evokes positive emotions, stimulates memory, and elevates mood. Music enhances learning and task performance and has the transformative power to promote health and well-being, lower blood pressure, decrease stress, reduce depression, and stimulate emotions and feelings of happiness.
Event Types: In-Person
Dr. Oz
Dr. Oz Show - Emmy Award Winning Host, Physician, New York Times-Best Selling Author, Professor
"I enjoyed your presentation"
Dr. Michael F. Roizen MD
Cleveland Clinic - Four-Time #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author | Chief Wellness Officer
"Nico's enthusiasm for sharing the Healthnut way--a lifestyle guided by informed choices that enable physical and spiritual vitality--shines..."
J. J. Virgin CNS
JJ Virgin - Celebrity Nutritionist | New York Times Best-Selling Author
"Helps you successfully navigate the ever-changing world of fat loss and optimal health to become your best self."
Dr. Walter Bortz MD II
Stanford University Medicine School - Clinical Professor Emeritus | Author | Conference Speaker
"Out of the swarm of advisories that emerge daily on how best to fuel our precious machine, few measure up to stellar status."
Dr. Bernie Siegel MD
Yale University - New York Times Best-Selling Author | Assistant Clinical Professor of Sugery
"Your life coach on the journey to better health."
Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Pegg Frates MD
American College of Lifestyle Medicine | Harvard Medical School | Harvard School of Public Health - President | Clinical Assistant Professor | Assistant Professor
"His mission to educate leaders using a more comprehensive model of well-being to apply to leaders’ lives is inspiring."
Dr. Frans Cronje
University of Stellenbosch - Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Medicine | International Conference Speaker
“Dr. Nico is one of those rare individuals who are able to communicate with great finesse and with complete authenticity. I readily recommend him as a speaker without reservation.”
Dr. Larry Dossey MD
Medical City Dallas Hospital - New York Times Best-Selling Author | Former Chief-of-Staff
"Dr. Nico's advice honors the integration of body, mind, and spirit, without which food doesn't nourish and diets don't work."
Dr. Krystal Gheen DrPH
Loma Linda University School of Public Health - Event Director
“Highly sought after and ranked by conference participants, as well as other conference speakers. The Loma Linda University School of Public Health, is proud to support Dr. Nico in his preventive focused efforts.”
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy International - CEO | Top Selling Author | World-Renowned Speaker
"Shows you exactly what you can do to lose weight, sleep better and have more energy — all day long!”
Dr. Dan Fuentes
AMEC Mexico - Director
“Dr. David Nico has extensive experience as a positive and motivational speaker and he is equally engaging one-on-one in a mentoring and advising relationship. His passion lies in motivating and encouraging others toward their goals in health education and life.”
Dr. Kiril Svilenov
The Bulgarian CMA - President
“I am pleased to strongly recommend my colleague Dr. David Nico for a speaker to a conference. His personal charisma and dedication made him one of the speakers that made the most impact at that convention.”
Dr. Sue Vogan
Physician’s Round Table - CEO | Event Director | Author | Speaker
“Will inspire and move you to take action in your life. He focuses on the importance of mind, body and soul and taking charge of our lifestyles. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Dr. David Nico as a speaker.”
Dr. Jeff Levin Ph.D.
Baylor University | Duke University School of Medicine - Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health | Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
"With Dr. Nico's help, we can all become healthnuts while enjoying the journey of transformation."
Dr. Hans Diehl
Lifestyle Medicine Pioneer - Bestselling Author | Professor | World-Class Speaker,
“His presentation on the importance of taking more intelligently charge of our lifestyle and thus affecting our health was outstanding and one of the best presentations at the two-day annual conference. I have no hesitation to highly recommend as a speaker.”
Dan Miller
48 Days - Founder | New York Times Bestselling Author | Speaker
"Shares clear systems for being as intentional about success in your health as you would expect in business."
Dr. Izabella Wentz PharmD
Thyroid Pharmacist - New York Times Best-Selling Author
"Will help you navigate the diet maze, and get you on the right track to not just weight loss, but to meet your health goals and truly nourish your body!"
Dr. Gerry Curatola
Rejuvenation Dentistry & Health | New York University - Celebrity Dentist | Founder | Author | TV Host | Adjunct Professor
"Gifted as an innovator, educator, communicator, and a brilliant entrepreneur. As an innovator, his “Dr. Healthnut” persona is a lighthearted approach to address serious deficiencies in food, nutrition, exercise and wellness for countless Americans."
Dr. Ashley Whillans Ph.D.
Harvard Business School - Volpert Family Associate Professor of Business Administration | Author | Speaker | Consultant
“His experience, education, and vision have cultivated a passion for helping leaders succeed in life and business. It would be impossible to list all of his accomplishments, however, it would be prudent to stress at this point and give my utter assurance that he will exceed expectations.”
Dr. Peter Okaalet MD, MTH, MDIV
Okaalet and Associates - Founder and Executive Director | Conference Speaker & Host
“Dr. Nico is an educator, researcher, and spokesperson for Dr. Healthnut which inspires people to live an active, healthy, and exciting lifestyle by taking personal responsibility for their lives. He has appeared as guest speaker on television and radio programs. To that end, I have no hesitation to highly recommend Dr. Nico as a speaker to similar conferences or events.”
Dr. Alan J. Bauman MD
Bauman Medical - #1 Top Hair Restoration Surgeon - North America by Aesthetic Everything
"GREAT presentation at A4M! Inspiring and valuable leadership insights!"
Dr. Elio Coradin MD
Memorial Regional Hospital - International Conference Speaker | Physician
“His presentation was excellent, very educational, and professional. I have no hesitation to highly recommend Dr. Nico as a speaker.”
Dr. Gerry Farris MD
On Point Medicine PLLC - Medical Director
"Insight that we are leaders and how we can improve ourselves and others."
Dr. Peter K. Raisanen, NMD
Vkind - Founder
"Motivational. Great session!!"
Dr. Veronica Lagos-Jaramillo MD
Sutter Health - Internal Medicine Physician
"Super motivated to change and grow and live to your best potential. Talks like this change lives."
Dr. Jeffrey Hunt DO
Vein & Cosmetic Center of Tampa Bay - Owner
"New insights."
Dr. Syed Asad MD
Universal Neurological Caree - Founder and Neurologist
"A great lecture on developing individuals to be leaders and to inspire teams."
William Weiland
US Army - Executive Officer
"Good work. More engaging than most of the presentations, better for business and entrepreneurs too."
Dr. Marcus Cobb MD
Integrative Healthcare Partners - Board Certified Internist
"One of the most informative and inspiring lectures I've ever attended."
Dr. Steve E. Parnell MD
Dulcimer Medical Center - Diplomat American Board of Family Medicine
"How to be a top-notch leader."
Dr. Fiona Frie MD
BeCLINICAL - Medical Director | Founder
"I missed 96% of it and the two minutes I saw made me regret my tardiness."
Dr. Mart Maiprasert MD
Dhurakit Pundit University Thailand - CEO and Deputy Dean College of Integrative Medicine
"Quite good for leadership. Thanks."
Dr. Amy Kroeker ND
Tier 1 Health; Centre for Natural Medicine Canada - Naturopathic Physician
"A talk that will help businesses and business leaders implement health change throughout their company. Strategies that help to design a business that helps you and helps others."
Tammy Hadfield, MSN
Embrace Wellness - Founder | CEO
"How to inspire myself and my team."
Dr. Eric McMillan MD
Renewal Medical Clinic - Founder
"Helped me gain insight on an issue I didn’t realize I needed help on."
Dr. Evelyn Cintron MD
Bayamon Clinic, Belladonna Medical Wellness, Puerto Rico - Founder
"It was very inspiring! We should bring him back."
Dr. Serif Krkic, DC
Tallmadge Chiropractic - Managing Physician
"Inspiring. Finding your purpose is the key. Very good speaker. You have great energy and enthusiasm."
Shannon Kilgariff
EasyFairs UK - Editor and Event Manager
"Loved the concept of focusing on teams for success!"
Dr. Yelena Ostrovsky DDS
Cable Car Dental - Founder
"Valuable information on building office culture and creating organizational purpose."
Dr. Ken Patterson MD
Restore Wellness Centre - President and Medical Director
"Plumbed the depths, viewed the heights, charted the course!!"
Dr. Frank Stile MD
Stile Aesthetics - World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon
Inessa Shlifer, PA
Park Avenue Aesthetics - Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Surgery
"Great session, will give you a lot of guidance."
Dr. Hannah James MD
Lee Physician Group - Internal Medicine Physician
"You had a great speech. I enjoyed it. Thank you."
Dr. David Jones MD
RenewMe Medspa - Board Certified Emergency Physician/Owner
"Executive training."
Steve Loyd
Galahad Life Sciences - CEO
"Strong organizational system to lead and develop an organization."
Lisa Wimsatt APRN
Women’s Healthcare Partners - Obstetrics and Gynecology Nurse Practitioner
"I like the way he weaves spirituality and leadership."
Adrian Jones MSN
Longevity Medical - Family Nurse Practitioner
"Gives a leadership talk involving the spiritual aspects of life and how it affects the jobplace."
Dr. Stephanie Lane PharmD
Wellspring Custom Pharmacy - Owner
"Good reminder of lead by example and always ask questions to understand. Reminded me of my intuition experiences."
Dr. Loretta Farrell MD
Abundant Wellness MD - Founder
"Excellent. Love the concept of whole person health and whole person leadership. Thank you for including spiritual aspect. Sooo refreshing! In target with the truth!"
Alec (AJ) Rimmasch
Copper Rock Clinic - Founder
"How to be a better owner and leader of my office."
Dr. Paul Harris
Phoenix Transformations, Canada - Owner
"A frame work for complete leadership."
Dr. Dan Sugimoto MD
Cedar Crosse Research Center - Chicago Fat Doctor
"How to best develop an engaged co."
Debra Arabia NP
Hormone Health Weight Loss and Regenerative Therapy - Nurse Practitioner
"Relative, actionable insight and strategies to be an effective leader (better self). Thank you for your time."
Chase Vicars
Golf Impact - Founder
"Must hear!"
Dr. Manoj Sharma DO
Elite Medical - President
"This is valuable and key to all of us doing what we do well. How to run your group with high morale and culture — have less turnover— be happy and satisfied as a leader in your organization and overall as a happy human :)"
Dr. Michael Chai MD
Concierge Medicine and Executive Health | UC Riverside School of Medicine - CEO | Clinical Assistant Professor
"Informative. Helpful and necessary. What was most powerful was your transparency and honesty."
Andy Rogers PA-C
Performance Medicine - Board Certified Physician Assistant
"Very valuable and a different way of looking at leadership and culture."
Dr. Clarence Morgan MD
Ash Morrow Medical Center, Inc. - Owner
"It gave me a renewed passion to go back to Atlanta and sit down with my staff to find healthy & positive chemistry so we can improve what we deliver & how we feel about ourselves."
Dr. Claudia Mondragon DO
US Military Entrance Processing Command - Physician
"It was great. Thank you."
Pierina Nicole Pilco Barcia
Pacific Ocean Life - Ecaudor - Office Manager
"He is a great speaker. You will learn a lot from him."
Linda Jansing
Medical Transformation Center - Executive Assistant
"AWESOME and very important info for everyone in office."
Suzanne Webb
Exclusive Surgeries Solutions - CEO
"It’s worth your time to listen. Include more stories they were great! The top gun story rocked!"
Dr. Sonya Pease MD
Cleveland Clinic Florida - Chief of Quality, Safety, and Patient Experience
"Validates spirituality as part of the emotional healing principles for caring for patients and your teams."
Dr. James Stirrett ND
Bluewater Medical - Naturopathic Physician
"Great for leader or owner of practice that feels stuck or is lacking motivation."
Dr. Gladys B. Ceballos-Logan MD
Healability Natural Medicine Solutions - Owner
"Wonderful and life-affirming. Insightful and needed in these times of reconnection on all facets of work-life!"
Dr. Catherine Kodama MD
BioAge Health - Founder
"Leadership insights."
Colt Stevens
The Ashley Method - CEO
"A reminder of fundamental leadership."
Daniel L. Hanson PA-C
Optimal Health Medical - Director
"Nice process. Made you think."
Dr. Narsis Moshfeghi MD
West Hills Hospital and Medical Center - Internal Medicine Specialist
"Inspiring as a way to live and work."
Tierra Ricks
Health Secret - Owner
"Very valuable information will help you want to keep going and know the best way to take care of yourself and your practice he had great advice! Highly recommend him! Have him come again!"
Jorge Garzafox
Garzafox Team, Mexico - Founder
"It help me narrow how to start a business."
Dr. Nelli Berberyan DNP
Private - Family and Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
"I am a DNP , I am leader and this will help a lot of DNPs who are willing to advance their leadership skills. Let’s get doctorate nursing as our who to serve population. Get me in. :). And thanks for taking my picture."
Dr. Shilpa Thaker MD
Alum Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine Specialist
"Reminder of asking right question and introspection to find the true purpose."
Daniel Lopez Molina NP-C
AgeEnvy - Nurse Practitioner
"This was excellent!! Was excellent personally and for my organization."
Dr. Joseph Perlman MD
Advanced Plastic Surgery Center | USA Boxing Team | Baylor College of Medicine - US Olympic Team Physician | Voted Top 3 Cosmetic Surgeon | Associate Clinical Professor
"Very informative…I will definitely use his overall concepts. My wife Jeannie and I enjoyed your talk."
Valarie Ramsbacher RPh
Missoula Compounding Pharmacy - Owner
"Inspiring and everyone should take a close look at their work environment to enhance the workplace."
Dr. Jennifer Ruthensteiner ND
Reboot Center for Innovative Medicine - Founder
"Detailed, structured info."
Dr. Paul Budnick MD
DreamBody Medical Centers - Board Certified Physician
"Worth the time, would like more."
Yolanda Rosario
Renato De La Rosa MD - Clinic Admin
"Life and management changer."
Dr. Jeffrey Kotulski DO
Between the Bridges Healing Center - Owner
"Making sense of success."
Dr. Shain Amanat MD
Southern Arizona VA Health Care - Musculoskeletal Radiologist
"Inspiring! Will use his great advice in my life and my work!"
Katia Riquelme FNP-BC
Elite Health and Beauty - Board Certified Nurse Practitioner
"Opening mind about leadership."
Olaf van der Zanden MSc
Top Fysio Therapie, Netherlands - Owner, Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunologist
“Lead with Spirit, Soul and Body.”
Dr. Kevin Aister DO
Peak Health Group - Medical Director, Owner
“Leadership and personal development.”
Dr. Nicole Bradshaw Lac
Total Health Center - Owner
"Inspirational for leadership. "Thank you for your leadership."
Dr. William Ruiz MD
Dorado Wellness and Anti-Aging Solutions - Founder
"Eye opening…for being a whole in a team set up and for my own life."
Dr. Raluca Arimie DO
West Hills Hospital and Medical Center - Interventional Cardiologist
"Inspiring. Organizing a practice."
Jon M. McGrath
McGrath Railroad Construction - Chairman & CEO
Dr. Jamie Lyn Rezoski ND
Valero Wellness - Naturopathic Physician
"It was energizing! Made me understand the connection between my purpose / passions and my team / what I am creating."
Dr. Farah Idrees
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust, United Kingdom - Acute Medicine Fellow
"Enthusiastic. Engaging."
Carol Owens Ellison RN
Medical Transformation Center - Nurse
"Life coaching."
Stavan Bhatt
The Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine - Director of Research/Development, Integrative Age-Management Medicine
"Very uplifting, engaging and energetic!"
Deanna Sykes ACNP
American Health Professional and Friends for Medicine in Israel - Board Member
Dr. Kristy Van Kirk MD
Healthy Lifestyle Medicine - Owner
Dr. Sandra Levitt MD
Innovative Primary Care - Founder
"Very inspiring. Gets you to think and not just act."
Dr. William Clauson MD
Sunshine Anesthesia - Founder
"Spiritual. Power is not knowledge…it is goodness (Virtue)."
Dr. Cheryl Matossian MD
Folsom Family & Sports Medicine - Sports Medicine Specialist
Shannon Roper FNP
Roper’s Health Oasis - CEO
"Flowed well, adaptable, REAL, informative, and thought-provoking. Thank you!"
Marina Moiseyeva FNP
Live Harmonious Life - Healthy Lifestyle Idealist
"Awesome. You are fantastic."
Dr. Shawn P. Uraine MD
Loma Linda University - Assistant Professor Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Anesthesiology
"Broke down the complex idea of soul mind body spirit and the idea of happiness being directly linked to relationships and finding my purpose."
Dr. Vinicius Andrade
Essence Health Institute, Brazil - Founder
Dr. Zoia Sherman MD
Coral Medical Health Spa and Coral Medical Health Centre, Canada - Medical Director
"Inspiring and heartfelt."
Dr. Jairo Puentes MD
Pronto Med Clinic - CEO
"Inspiring full of purpose. How to live a life with purpose."
Dr. Sepideh Babaei MD
Westchester Medical Center - Radiologist
"Thoughtful, motivational, inspiring."
Courtney Van Bussum
Boulder Longevity Institute - Director of Strategic Relations
"Unique take on old concepts."
Dr. Elif Kuzu DAOM
Boulder Body Balance Acupuncture and Massage - Owner
"Insightful bringing consciousness to enlightenment."
Dr. Sourabh Arora MD
Allergan Aesthetics; | Apellis Pharmaceuticals | University of Southern California - Medical Director | Medical Reviewer | Research Consultant,
"Great talks about spirituality. Really resonated with your presentation! Incorporating the various dimensions of health and wellbeing, I was impressed with how you distinguished the spirit from the soul."
Carmen Forrester
Anatara Medicine - Director of Operations
"Please continue this. Very well worth time for me as office manager of a thriving practice always great to receive new and valuable tools that are actionable! Thank you:)"
Dr. Izabela Musial MD
HonorHealth Deer Valley Medical Center - Family Physician
"It was a great presentation. Reflect on the stage in life I'm at and ask God what is it I'm supposed be doing for Him."
Pam Jacobson RN, L.Ac
The Healing Sanctuary - Owner
Dr. Christine Salter MD
The Center for Vibrant Health and Wellness - CEO
"Very informative."
Dr. Thi Dang MD
Providence - Cardiologist
"It is great, awesome!"
Dr. Blane Chong
Family & Sport Medicine, Hawaii - Owner
Aimee Parscale
Softwave Regeneration - Certified Health and Wellness Coach
"All was good. Insightful! Easy to understand!"
Teresa Dillinger MSN
Innovative Health Medical Clinic - Owner
"Very inspiring and uplifting!!!!"
Beth Brinson MSN
Aesthetics Medical Spa and Integrative Medicine - Owner
Jeanette Queen NP
EvolveWell Integrative Medical Centre - Co-Founder
"Informative and inspirational."
Karen Birbari
Omni Centers - Co-Founder
"Fun and informative."
Dave Slagle
Radicle Science - Director of Sales
"Insightfully inspiring. Thank you…you gave an outstanding presentation."
Manisha Ramlu
New Beginnings Proposals - Canada - Event Planner
"Insightful, loved the story in the beginning as a great way to introduce the session. Engaging. Good explanation of including spirituality in WHO."
Dr. Todorut Florina
Gyniclinique Sri, Romania - Owner
"It was great."
Lisa M Schoelen MS
Curve Counseling - Owner
"Great. Information is king!"
Erin Vist FNP
Northwestern Medicine - Family Nurse Practitioner
James Williamson PA-C
Access Wellness Services - Urgent Care Practitioner
Dr. Irene Lambiris MD
Face to Face Medical Management | Optum - Associate Medical Director | Physician
"I love it."
Virginia S. Keating NP-C
Life Spring Antiaging & Aesthetic Medicine - Nurse Practitioner
"Inspired. Really enjoyed the lecture."
Fran Wilson PA-C
Performance Medicine - Physician Assistant
"It validated what I have always believed to be true."
Elizabeth Vogstrom PA-C
MediSpa | Life Time Athletic | EvoYouthful - Owner
"AMAZING! You're Awesome!"
Robin Larson MS
Natera - Clinical Genomics Scientist
"Important message. Integration of things I have known to be true."
Dr. Iman Bar MD
BarxMD | Newport Concerge Medical - Founder
Dr. Lily Phillips MD
Ageless Grace | Grace Family Health - Medical Director
"Spot on. Whole person care is essential."
Amy Dean-Wojcik MPAS
Marshfield Clinic Health System - Neurological Surgery Physician Assistant
"Educational, insightful, inspiring, a light bulb moment."
Dr. Nooshin Darvish ND
Holistique Primary Care Medical Center | IV Lounge and Health Institute - Founder
"Confirms what I believe in."
Mariliz Britton ARNP
Pura Vida Wellness and Hydration - Associate
"Need to listen to His insights regarding spirit and soul."
Dr. Peter Miani MD
Medart institute - Owner
"Interesting. Energetic."
Dr. Angela Guan DNP
Columbia University Irving Medical Center - Provider
Dr. Susan A. Flanzman MD
Bergen Medical Associates - Board Certified Internist
"Interesting. Lots of theoretical frameworks. Thank you for the presentation."
Rich Hackenburg
Bauman Medical Group PA - Director
"Inspiring actionable advice."
Dr. Tracy Thompson MD
TELUS Sante | Branch Out Neurological Foundation, Canada - Medical Director | Board Member
"Nice to have company on the value of spirituality in medicine and leadership."
Rebecca Huey PA-C
Huey Holistic - Co-Owner
"Great insight."
Dr. Marc Spurlock MD
Renewed Vitality - Medical Director
Ignacio Man Ging
IMG Consulting - CEO
"Great speech."
Dr. Barbara Ann Scherer MD
Internal Medicine & Proctology Center of Fort Lauderdale - Owner
Dr. Peter Coelho MD
MedicalCue - Founder | CMO
"Great. Keep going."
Dr. Rajender Singh MD
Alpha Medical Center - Owner
Shelby Robinson PA
Oklahoma Cancer Specialists and Research Institute - Radiation Oncology Physician Associate
Dr. Viva Zima DNP
Sage Family Health - Owner
"Quick Inspiration! Reminded me of DNP school learnings, very helpful!"
Dr. Mehmet Atasoy MD
Dr. Atasoy Clinic, Turkey - Owner
Dr. David Scherer DPM
The Foot Care Center, Fort Lauderdale - Owner
"Inspiring. Interesting and informative."
Dr. Paula Marchionda MD
Marchionda Integrative Medicine Insitute - Medical Director
Dr. John Bowman MD (DrB)
Summerlin Functional Medicine - Owner
"Neat stuff."
Nathalie Props
YEY, Belgium - Founder
Margaret Owen
American Wellness & Rehab Clinic - Medical Assistant
"He did a great job."
Michelle Stevenson
Manager - Kaado MD
"Great job."
Melinda Fowler RPh
The Hormonal Pharmacist - CEO
"Great. Cool."
Dr. Magdalena Swierczewski MD
Integrative-Concierge Medicine - CEO
“I do like that he is discussing as topic as very important."
Dr. Diana Laurent PharmD
QuantumRx - Owner
Ana Laborde AGNP-BC
Simply You - Founder
"Great info."
Dr. Sandeep Kapoor
Kapoor Medical Practice - Founder
Jann Ford
Lima Lubbock Integrative Medical Association - Practice Administrator
Kim Ruccione RN
Perceptions Aesthetic Spa - Owner
"Motivating and inspiring."
Dr. James Mirazita MD
Pain Solutions - Pain Management Physician and Anesthesiologist
"Very interesting."
Dr. Joel Kahn MD
Kahn Longevity Center - Integrative Cardiologist
Dr. Ofelia Balta MD
BodyLogicMD - Physician
Dr. Bernadete Nonnenmacher MD PhD
Bernadete Nonnemacher - Brazil - Longevity Physician
Dr. John G. Alevizos DO
Alevizos Medical - Owner
“Great energy, thought provoking.”
Dorota Mironiuk MSN
Koru medical Spa & Wellness - Founder
“Excellent work!”
Olivia Ponce
Your Wellness and Achievements - Co-Founder
“Loved, bought your book in the session.”
Dr. John Mulford Ph.D.
Regent University | Regent Center for Entrepreneurship - Professor | Director
"Has the gift of communicating complex ideas in understandable language and of persuading others to adopt his ideas."
Dr. Fritz Huber
Oral Roberts University - Chair and Associate Professor, Health Sciences
“I have known Dr. Nico for over 20 years and have found him to be a hard working, self-motivated individual with high morals and integrity. His accomplishments have far exceeded all of my former students of which are many as I have taught at the university level for over 30 years.”
Dr. Dail Fields Ph.D.
Regent University - Professor, Organizational Leadership | Fullbright Scholar
"Dr. David Nico is a person of character, showing integrity in his relationships with faculty and fellow students.”
Dr. Alan Gruning DO
International Center for Health and Wellness - President
"Has a wealth of knowledge about the world of health and wellness."