Mitch Ditkoff Profile Picture
Mitch Ditkoff
Compare to: Seth Godin, Michael Gelb, Tim Gallwey
Catskill, NY, USA
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Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Author and Provocateur
Mitch Ditkoff, the Co-Founder of Idea Champions, is a highly regarded thought leader, keynote speaker and author in the fields of creative thinking, organizational innovation, and storytelling. His keynotes are inspiring, highly engaging, and designed to spark behavior change. Depending on the design of your conference, he can also deliver post-keynote workshops for a deeper dive into the content of his presentations. Mitch has delivered keynotes for a wide variety of forward-thinking organizations, including Electronic Arts, Merck, National Institute of Health, Wells Fargo, GE, IdaVation, and the Dover Corporation. In addition to his public speaking, Mitch is also the author of two powerful books on the art and science of storytelling. His first book, "Storytelling at Work", won the Silver Medal in the Axiom Business Book Award competition. His second book, "Storytelling for the Revolution", was published in 2018. He was also twice-voted the "Innovation Blogger of the Year."
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Organizational Change
Event Types
Corporate Event
Public Event
If you want to communicate a memorable message, insight, or wisdom to others, the simplest way to do so is via storytelling. Stories, well-told, cut to the chase, evoke an emotional response, and spark behavior change. HOW to do this well is the heart of this highly engaging keynote presentation.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
Most business leaders talk a lot about the need for innovation, but very few know how to establish the kind of organizational culture that is conducive to innovation. Talk is cheap. Action is where it’s at. But what KIND of action? That's what this hands on, highly engaging keynote is all about.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
Where do breakthrough ideas come from? Why don’t they happen more often in the workplace? And how can everybody in your organization raise their game for creativity, brilliance, and game changing insights? Yes, all of this will be addressed in this super-charged, interactive keynote presentation.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
Do you know what the biggest obstacle is to innovation in the workplace? LIMITING ASSUMPTIONS -- the lines we draw in the sand. Old habits of mind. Go beyond these assumptions and creativity soars. HOW to help your workforce identify and go beyond their assumptions is what this keynote addresses.
Event Types: Hybrid, In-Person, Virtual
Jim Aubele
Merck - Associate Director of Organizational Learning
“Mitch Ditkoff's keynote presentation was both entertaining and informative. Over 1,030 Merck employees attended and rated the session a 4.8 out of 5.0. In just two hours, Mitch not only got participants "out of the cave" and generating a wide range of innovative and powerful ideas, he also helped us understand what it takes to establish a sustainable culture of innovation within our organization.”
Ben Quintana
IdaVation - Chairman
“As the conference organizer for our annual innovation summit, I was looking for a dynamic speaker who could deliver an impactful message on fostering a culture of innovation. What I found surpassed my greatest expectations. Mitch Ditkoff was outstanding in every way. He captivated our audience by engaging them in his interactive keynote and workshop and provided attendees with useful tools to apply in their workplaces. They discovered new and helpful ways to unleash creativity. I lost count of people coming up to me after the event who were raving about Mitch.”
Gordon Thomas
Dover Corporation - VP
“Your culture of innovation keynote at our annual conference was informative, inspiring, and entertaining. I know that keeping 128 executives, managers, engineers and manufacturing people engaged for five hours is a challenging task, but you pulled it off extremely well.”
Andy Billings
Electronic Arts - VP, Profitable Creativity
"Mitch Ditkoff's innovation keynote at our 2014 Developer's Conference was an energetic and engaging opening to our event. Thanks to the pre-work Mitch did with us, his themes were perfectly synchronized with the objectives of the conference — increase innovative problem-solving and increase global knowledge sharing. Mitch's comments got our people thinking and prepared to tackle the interactive objectives of the meeting. After Mitch, it was 'Game on!'"
David Crossen
GE - Mgt. Development Center Program Manager
"I have received a number of compliments about your teaching style and the level of energy you are able to maintain. Our audience can be an extremely demanding one and you consistently manage to command their full participation. Thank you!"
Rich Nugent
Nations Roof - CEO
“I never saw our people so engaged. They get it now and feel not only a greater commitment to the company, but to each other.”