6 Ways To Show Appreciation For Your Employees All Year Long

6 Ways To Show Appreciation For Your Employees All Year Long

by EVA

As we settle into Q1 and 2023, the hustle and bustle of the new year can often distract us from appreciating little things. While there is a designated day in March for Employee Appreciation, why not celebrate your employees all year long? A healthy and supportive company culture promotes balance and increases overall performance on an individual level. Showing gratitude and appreciation takes planning and effort, but EVA is here to help. Mixed with variety and creativity, here are some ways to connect with your team and show them some love.

Employee Spotlights

Each team member has a unique story that attributes to your company's culture. Sharing their successes and wins with others will make them truly feel like a valued part of the team. Blog posts, newsletter features, and social media spotlights on employees cultivates excitement and value of their role in the workplace. Share their big moments and let your team and social following get to know who works behind the scenes on a more personal level!

Personal Gestures and Gifts

Everyone loves gifts and being rewarded, but when you find opportunities to personalize the gesture, now that's priceless. The possibilities are endless and can really show that your employees' needs are seen. It could be words of encouragement, extra time off for travel or family, or grounds from a local coffeehouse. While company bags and stickers are always great, finding out what your team members love will go a lot further in showing gratitude.

Regular Team Lunch

Setting a designated time to close laptops and build community and conversation during lunch hour can be a great recharge for your employees. Building a community in your company creates a positive and supportive environment. Encourage them to take a break from the work talk and find common points in conversation about interests. You can even book a comedian or motivational speaker to come and break the ice and really generate an open community.

Professional Development Offerings

Book a keynote speaker who is an expert in your field and schedule a session for your employees to learn, converse, and continue their professional development. Workers feel more valued and productive when they feel that their company is investing in them. There are plenty of ways to incorporate professional development long-term. Encouragement to continue to grow in their role is just as important as rewarding employees for their hard work.

Recognizing Birthdays and Special Milestones

Birthdays and special milestones are perfect ways to show appreciation for your employees. From a personal note to a planned event, your employee will definitely feel seen on their big day. To make their birthday even brighter, you can book a virtual mixology class, a yoga class, or even a paint-and-sip experience!

Corporate Social Responsibility Experiences

There is nothing better than to feel a part of something bigger than yourself. As the generational norms shift and employees put a greater emphasis on social impact, make it a priority to make a difference with regular activities to better your community. Incorporating a way to volunteer or a company-wide cause to support can empower your team. Find opportunities in your community like donating to food banks or making gift bags for those in need at local shelters and animal shelters for example. You can even plan your own events in support of a philanthropy your company rallies behind. To make a full experience, bring in a DJ to make giving back a fun and fulfilling vibe all around.

The takeaway is that employee appreciation should be more than just a day in the spring. Whether it's intentional messages to individual employees or creating fun team building experiences, you can bolster your company culture and show how much you value your team.